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Celther Poland has two laboratories of cell biology and imaging, which offer unique possibilities of process analysis and monitoring of living cells. The projects conducted in the laboratories include, inter alia, research of induced pluripotent stem cells and a number of studies of cancer cells. The laboratories are equipped with modern and sensitive devices, allowing the monitoring of biological processes taking place in living cells (toxicity, viability, adhesiveness, growth and proliferation, invasiveness, migration, cell resistance, etc.). During the last few years we have managed to achieve a high degree of automation in our laboratories.

The laboratories are equipped with real-time cell analysis systems, allowing in vitro studies and monitoring without changing the cellular environment. Modern cell biology tools have improved the efficiency of research in the field of regenerative medicine, as well as the designing and testing of novel anticancer therapies.
In the Bioinformatics Center of Celther Poland we use the known techniques of computer modeling in order to identify new organic compounds capable of blocking certain protein types. Our research is based on two approaches: virtual searching for large collections of chemical compounds, and targeted searching for ligand libraries with pharmacophore built based on the protein binding site. The most promising identified chemical compounds are docked to the protein binding site with the induced fit protocol.
The Center of Molecular Biology is equipped with a set of devices allowing the analysis of the complete scope of changes at DNA, RNA, and protein levels, beginning with capillary sequencers, which are currently a standard and allow the analysis of nearly 200 unique sequences of DNA daily, through a high-class device calculating real-time increase in PCR, up to the device for massive parallel sequencing, allowing the determination of the location of hundreds of thousands of base pairs in the genome in a single analysis. Furthermore, the laboratory is equipped with a large number of additional devices necessary for genetic analysis: PCR cyclers, electrophoresis devices, spectrophotometers, fluorescence and chemiluminescence imaging systems, -80 degrees C and liquid nitrogen freezing systems, and many more. In order to avoid contamination and to obtain high quality material, we use closed automated system for isolation of the genetic material.
The Chemical Laboratory houses such projects as the design and synthesis of novel biomaterials with potential application in wound treatment. The laboratory's staff deals mostly with designing the synthesis of novel polymeric materials and with the chemical modification of preexisting plastics, with a special emphasis on the optimization of the process conditions. The obtained materials are examined in terms of their physicochemical properties, degradation and biodegradation potential, and interactions with living organisms.

The Celther laboratories are monitored 24 hours a day with a special system of electronic monitoring. All technical failures and malfunctions are detected and communicated to staff members via e-mail and text-message. The system of uninterruptible power supply and maintenance of stable conditions is activated after the detection of a technical failure or a malfunction, and runs for several hours. Thanks to our laboratory equipment and the implemented quality standards we can obtain materials with familiar and controlled genetic profile, allowing our customers to conduct repeatable and reproducible studies with consecutive batches of our products.