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Synthesis and formulation of polymers | Chemical Analysis services
Celther Polska Chemical Laboratory specializes in technology development and chemical synthesis of unique polymer derivatives originating from natural polymers as well as synthesis of plastics with biomaterial applications. Our analytical methods allow to obtain final product with high degree of purity. Our laboratory is fully equipped to perform chemical synthesis in a wide range of temperatures as well as in block synthesis.

Celther Polska offers services in development of new methods in non-standard polymer synthesis, optimization of the technological process of synthesis as well as any further polymer processing. Moreover, we can characterize the final product according to the needs of the customer. Full support is available to our customers at any stage of product development. Celther Polska has extensive experience in collaboration with academia as well as private sector.

Celther Polska Chemical Laboratory services:

1) Synthesis and formulation of polymers
  •   Development of the method of chemical synthesis of biopolymer derivatives on the laboratory scale.
      Biopolymer derivatives are based on polyactide, polyglycol, polycaprolactones, methacrylate,
      cellulose, chitin and PHB.
  •   Development of the method of chemical synthesis of polyolefins depending on desired features of
     the final product.
  •   Development of the method of chemical synthesis of graft polymers as well as conducting polymers
      such as polypyrrole or polyaniline.
  •   Performing synthesis in block as well as in suspension in wide range of temperatures; selection of
      the appropriate method of product production and purification.
  •   Selection of the best suited polymerisation conditions depending on desired chemical, hardness
      and biological features of the final product.
  •   Development of degradable biopolymer derivatives.
  •   Development of polymer mixtures and blends.
2) Physicochemical analysis of polymers and organic compounds developed in the chemical laboratory as well as delivered by the customer (including determination of viscosity using Ubbelohde method)
3) Analysis and interpretation of spectroscopy results (MNR, IR, UV-VIS)
4) Biocompatibility analysis of polymers synthesized in the laboratory as well as organic compounds and polymers delivered by the customer (MTT, NRU, proliferation and migration assays among other in vitro tests)